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“To look around and know we’re making this historic movie and that all of us are representing the entire community… it was really f*cking magical.” Photo Credit: Universal Pictures

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“It felt like the right thing to do ethically, and creatively it adds something that’s hard to articulate,” the actor-who co-wrote the movie with its director, Nicholas Stoller, shares. As has been previously reported, many of these actors will be playing straight characters-in fact, Eichner confirms that every single principal member of the cast is from the LGBTQ community. In an exclusive interview with Empire Magazine, the Billy On The Street star shed some light on his film’s gag-worthy cast, a proper “Who’s Who?” of queer talent. Hot on the heels of our warm welcome to Fire Island, the buzz is ramping up for Billy Eichner‘s Bros, which is set to debut in theaters on September 30.

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Apparently we’re living in a renaissance of gay rom-coms, and you’ll be hearing no complaints here!

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